County Appoints New Central Dispatch Director
March 2, 2022

By Mike Kruzman /
Livingston County officials have approved and appointed a new director for Central Dispatch.
County Commissioners, at their Board meeting Monday, appointed Kecia Williams to the position of 9-1-1 Central Dispatch Director. Williams has over 30 years of dispatch experience and is expected to begin full time in the next couple weeks.
Williams emerged from a pool of 28 candidates and, with County Administrator Nathan Burd saying she was the unanimous and enthusiastic choice of the interviewing panel. He pointed to her leadership positions in centers both larger and smaller than Livingston County’s. Burd said that what also stood out to him was hearing her describe her management style and how much care and concern she has for the people who work in the center. He believes she will earn the respect and admiration of the people she leads.
Burd thanked Acting Director Amy Pasienza for her efforts in stepping into the position during the search.
Williams said she feels grateful for the opportunity. Commissioner Doug Helzerman said it was clear when talking with Burd how Williams stood out above the rest, adding that they are proud to have someone of her caliber in Livingston County. Both he and Commissioner Jay Gross also thanked her for her service in the Army. Gross said her resume is amazing and he is thrilled to death to have her join them. Commission Chair Wes Nakagiri said he wanted to echo his comments from last week’s Public Safety Committee meeting when he was impressed with her humbleness and humility, and said, Monday, he looks forward to good things from Williams and her team.