Input Sought For Brighton Biennial Survey
March 29, 2022
By Tom Tolen /
Every two years, the city of Brighton performs a survey of its residents to determine their opinions about the overall quality of life in the small city of about 7,600 residents (Brighton's estimated population as of Feb. 2022 was 7,656).
Those who own a business in Brighton, whether a resident or not, are also asked to participate in the survey.
Among the myriad topics, the survey asks residents their opinions about city amenities such as police services and response, trash collection and removal, the condition of streets and roads, parks and recreation facilities, and downtown parking availability. In addition, they will be asked the general appearance of downtown, the quality of residential housing, and types of businesses the respondent would like to see that are not currently in Brighton. City officials say participation in the survey helps provide valuable feedback on the priorities of residents, their views on development and the delivery of services.
Brighton Mayor Pro Tem Jim Bohn says the reason for conducting the survey is “to get an understanding on the pulse of residents and business owners of the quality of services (the city) provides, what’s important in the priority of those services and the general direction the city should be going.”
The survey, which is expected to go out in the next two weeks, was delayed when the City Council decided to make a few changes. Additionally, Bohn said, the city is currently in the process of developing its annual budget, which is taking a considerable amount of staff time.
In the new Biennial Survey there are 28 questions divided into four sections, plus a space at the end for additional comments. Section 1, titled “Satisfaction", has nine questions on whether the respondent is, in general, satisfied with the city and how it is performing its varied functions and responsibilities. Section 2 has eight questions on “Policy", pertaining to the quality of housing, the community's “identity", its stewardship of the environment and its infrastructure. That includes streets, parks, trash collection, water and sewer.
Section three has four questions on the subject of “Communication" — that is, how the person receives information about the city — its e-mailed newsletter and website — along with other information sources such as radio, TV and newspaper. Section 4 has seven questions pertaining to demographics, including how many people are in the household, the age range, whether the respondent is a homeowner or renter and how long he or she has been a city resident.
Postcards will be sent to all addresses in the City of Brighton inviting residents to fill out the survey, with the link to the survey on the postcard. In addition to the digital version of the survey, a paper version will be available on request by contacting or calling 810-844-5053.
Hard copy (paper) surveys can be picked up, completed and dropped off at city hall or mailed back to Brighton City Hall, 200 N. First St., Brighton, MI 48116. If city hall is not open for regular office hours at the time, the survey can be deposited in a drop-off box next to the building.