By Jessica Mathews /

Work is continuing on the East Huron Street Infrastructure Improvement Project in the Village of Milford.

Sidewalk work began last week and is continuing this week. The Village advised that gas main relocation on South Houghton Street was scheduled to start this week, pending weather conditions. Preparations for road grading will also be getting underway.

The Village is in the final phase of a series of infrastructure projects on East Huron Street between River Drive and Mont Eagle.

The project includes repairs to the road itself along with the installation of new water main and drainage improvements and completing the sidewalk network along East Huron Street.

Due to favorable bid results in 2021, the project was expanded to include preservation overlay work on the residential streets between Atlantic Street and East Huron Street, as well as extending pavement on South Houghton, south of E. Huron.

Utility work and drainage improvements were completed last fall and the concrete and paving work are expected to be done this spring.

The project is being funded by local road millage funds, user fees from the water system, and funds from the general and sidewalk funds.

Huron Street remains closed to thru traffic for the duration of construction.