Twister Touches Down In Fenton Township, Holly Areas
July 12, 2022

Jessica Mathews / news@whmi
A weak EF0 tornado touched down in the Fenton Township and Holly areas late Monday evening - causing damage in neighborhoods and downing trees and wires.
The National Weather Service conducted a storm survey, which confirmed the twister occurred around 11:30pm.
The tornado tracked east-southeast for 7.5 miles before lifting 3 miles east-southeast of Holly, just west of I-75. The NWS reports the first indication of damage occurred on Pine Street near Lake Fenton, where large limbs fell on a home, which took out a second-story dormer and a portion of the roof.
Tree damage was said to be sparse and sporadic along the path, mainly consisting of trees and leaves down.
The peak damage was observed in the backyard of a home on Addis Road in Holly. The NWS says about a dozen trees suffered significant damage and the home also lost a few vinyl siding panels and a pergola was damaged. A barn further down the road lost some metal roofing.
The estimated peak wind was 65mph. Facebook photo.