Michigan's Seat Belt Use Up Slightly
July 27, 2022

Greg Coburn / news@whmi.com
Livingston County motorists and others across the state are being encouraged to buckle up.
The Michigan Office of Highway Safety planning says seat belt use in Michigan increased slightly this year from 92.6% to 92.9%. Every 1% increase in seat belt use is said to equate to ten fewer traffic deaths and 100 fewer serious injuries.
Nationally, the rate was lower at 90.4%, which officials say means Michigan drivers use seatbelts more than the rest of the nation.
The interim director of the Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning Alicia Sledge says that they are continually reminding drivers and passengers of all ages to buckle up, every trip, every time.
The use of electronic devices also fell this year, both for hand-held talking and typing, which was found to be 6.1% compared to 6.4% last year.
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