Jessica Mathews /

A bus driver for Howell Public Schools was terminated after admitting to consuming alcohol while on the clock.

A letter was sent to district stakeholders by Livingston ESA Superintendent Mike Hubert and Howell Superintendent Erin MacGregor.

Last Friday afternoon, a bus driver appeared to be experiencing a medical situation in the bus lot at Voyager Elementary. A substitute driver was immediately dispatched to take over for the driver who received medical care.

Bus drivers are employed by the Livingston Educational Service Agency and are assigned to the Howell Public Schools as part of a regional transportation collaborative.

The Agency conducted an investigation and the bus driver admitted she consumed alcohol after completing her high school/middle school run on Friday and before she started her elementary run. Other bus drivers at Voyager Elementary noticed the driver was not her usual self and reported their observations to the transportation office - which is what led to the substitute driver taking over for the elementary run.

When the driver admitted to consuming alcohol, her employment was immediately terminated by the Livingston Educational Service Agency.

The letter states they’re very thankful for the actions of the other bus drivers who saw something that did not meet with their expectations for professional conduct and acted on their observations. The situation is said to serve as a good reminder that choosing to say something when you believe someone needs help is the right thing to do.

In addition to terminating the employment of the driver, the Livingston Educational Service Agency will report the situation to the Federal Motor Carrier Administration Clearinghouse - a database of violations of the U.S. Department of Transportation controlled substance drug and alcohol testing program for holders of a commercial driver’s license.

All bus drivers are subject to random drug and alcohol screenings while employed and the Agency stresses it has a zero-tolerance policy for violations.