Jessica Mathews /

The Arc Livingston will host its 30th Anniversary Holiday Gala & Fashion Show next week.

The festive holiday event will take place on Thursday, November 16th at Crystal Gardens Banquet Center in Genoa Township. This year will mark a special 30th anniversary celebration of the premiere event that raises money for people with developmental disabilities and their families in Livingston County.

The Arc Livingston is a non-profit that empowers people with developmental disabilities and their families to ensure that they as citizens are valued and they can participate fully in their community.

Interim Executive Director Laura Sauer said for the 30th anniversary of the Holiday Gala and Fashion Show, they’ll be celebrating both past and present accomplishments of their incredible members and those they serve. Sauer said “The generous community support for this event helps us to continue to provide people with developmental disabilities and their families vital services like educational advocacy, fully accessible and inclusive social events, support groups, representative payee services and more.”

The charity event includes a sit-down dinner, open bar, silent and live auctions, and more. The highlight of the evening is a “fashion show” where The Arc Livingston’s members show off their finest holiday looks while attendees celebrate the members’ accomplishments.

For more information and to purchase tickets, visit the provided link.