Jessica Mathews /

Voters in the City of Brighton elected council members and approved a police millage in Tuesday's General Election.

In the Brighton City Council race, all three incumbents retained their seats. They include Jim Bohn, Susan Gardner, and Paul Gipson. They’ll be joined by Ken Schmenk, who serves on the Planning Commission. The three incumbents were the top vote-getters and will each serve four-year terms. Schmenk will serve a two-year term.

Voters in the City also approved a Headlee Override Public Safety Millage for the Police Department. The millage has expired and was last levied in July of this year. The renewal includes an increase of 0.1326 mills to keep up with inflation while continuing to equip police officers with the most up-to-date facilities, equipment, and technology to be used in assisting their policing and investigative efforts. The millage will generate approximately $280,000 when first levied in July 2024.

More information is available in the provided links.