Tyrone Twp Considers Selling Sewer REUs
December 19, 2023
Nik Rajkovic / news@whmi.com
Tyrone Township Board of Trustees is meeting Tuesday evening to discuss the idea of possibly selling what’s called sewer REUs at a discounted price if possible.
“Residential Equivalent Unit. It’s based on gallons of flow per day. We were increasing it $50 a year. For example, Hartland and us, we share the same sewer system. They’re $9,000 an REU. Ours are $14,500,” says township Supervisor Mike Cunningham.
Tyrone Township is also looking at replacing the electrical system inside the Historic Town House.
“It was moved over to a new location by a Historical Society and their fundraising efforts. The electrical is shot and needs to be replace,” Cunningham added.
Trustees meet at 7p Tuesday.