Registration Open For LACASA Summer Parenting Classes
April 29, 2024

Jessica Mathews /
Registration is open for summer parenting classes.
Parents and caregivers of young children in Livingston County can get hands-on, practical lessons this summer on how to best nurture young children and navigate the challenges of raising kids by attending LACASA’s Nurturing Parenting classes.
Sponsored in part by the Kellogg Foundation, the award winning, nationally recognized program begins May 21st and will run through July 9th. It is designed for parents of kids from newborn to 11 years, and will meet once per week from 6-8 pm.
During the classes, parents will learn more about and discuss topics like empathy, appropriate expectations for different ages, power independence, and positive discipline.
LACASA Parenting Educator Jan Lobur said “Kids don’t come with any kind of a manual, and this series helps parents connect with each other and learn that they are not alone when it comes to parenting challenges. Throughout the classes, parents will learn useful information, skills, and techniques that help them feel more confident and positive about their roles.”
The cost of the program is $100 for one parent or $125 for two parents, which includes all class materials. Some scholarships are available. Advance registration is required. For more information, visit the link.
To register, contact Jan Lobur at 517-548-1350 or email
Note: childcare will not be provided, and the program is for parents only.