Nik Rajkovic /

Another gorgeous weekend means more motorcycles and bikes on the road, and boats on the water.

Livingston County Sheriff Mike Murphy says too many people are distracted by their smart phones, causing too many accidents.

“There was a law enacted not too long away that said you can’t use a cell phone or handheld device while driving, we still see that a lot,” he told WHMI News.

“Keep your head up, your eyes up and pay attention to your surroundings.”

The sheriff’s marine unit also will be on patrol.

“You can have an open container on your watercraft. That’s all great if you want to enjoy a beer. But make it a beer and not a 12 pack.”

Sheriff Murphy encourages boat owners to have enough life vests onboard, and use them. A rope to get towed in. Other marine safety equipment.

And he says boat owners should know simple rules of the lake, such bringing it in at dusk, traveling counterclockwise and keeping a safe distance been other boats, docks and swimmers.