Jessica Mathews /

The Howell Rotary Club recently celebrated its rich history in Livingston County during a 100th Anniversary Celebration held at Chemung Hills Country Club.

The evening’s program shared many successes of the Club, including starting the Brighton Rotary Club, and many years of success with the Tour de Livingston bicycling event which raised over $460,000 for local basic need programs. The Club is also known for its Howell Melon Ice Cream sales at Howell Melon Festival that supports local youth initiatives, scholarships, and the Howell Interact Club.

Howell Rotarians are well known throughout the community as leaders. Many Rotarians have held public office, and/or have been an elected official. The group is also recognized for volunteer involvement.

Howell Rotary Club President Liz Welch said “As we gather to commemorate a century of the Howell Rotary Club, I am filled with an immense gratitude and humility. Our journey to this milestone has been marked by countless acts of kindness, generosity, and a commitment to making a positive impact. Each Howell Rotarian is a part of a legacy of amazing people who embody the true spirit of service and community. Here's to another century of service, fellowship, and making a difference!”

As a culmination of the 100 Year Celebration, proceeds from the event were donated to a local non-profit selected by the Rotary Club membership.

The Livingston County United Way was the recipient organization of the Howell Rotary Club’s generosity and received a check for $13,500.

The funds will support local United Way-funded youth initiatives, focusing on shelter, safety, coordinated activities, and more.

The Howell Rotary Club meets every Monday at noon, in the Board of Education Room in the Howell Freshman Campus.

For more information about the Howell Rotary Club, contact