Jessica Mathews /

Green Oak Township is the latest local community to move to a four-day work week.

The Board of Trustees met recently and approved the process of moving over to a four-day work week, which will be Monday through Thursday from 7:30am to 5:30pm. The new hours take effect starting today.

Clerk Michael Sedlak tells WHMI the change gives people the opportunity to come in before work and after. He said instead of eight hours, they’ll now be open ten hours a day and offer full service.

Sedlak said the township conducted a survey prior to the change and of the larger communities that would be open five days a week, the majority have already moved to a four-day work week. Notably, Hamburg Township is making the move effective July 1st.

Sedlak assured the board remains committed to serving citizens and the survey was done over a six-week period to see who was actually coming in Fridays. He said they averaged around two people on Fridays and thought it would be a better use of their time to stay open earlier and later for people.

Another factor that played a role in the decision was related to keeping employees, some of whom have expressed a desire for more of a work/life balance. Sedlak said they’ve had several employees leave to go to other municipalities that have four-day work weeks, and it also helps with recruiting people to replace them.

Sedlak further stressed the change will not impact elections whatsoever. He said they’ve made necessary adjustments to keep the township hall open during the entire time of the nine days before the election for early voting and the Saturday before an election. Sedlak added they encourage people to register to vote, and vote in the upcoming August election as there are some important proposals on the Green Oak ballot for millages and they want people to get out and vote.

Sedlak noted the Building Department has been on a four-day work week and those hours will remain the same from 7:30am to 4pm. The Police and Fire Departments will remain on a five-day work week.