Northfield Township Public Safety Building Projects Nearing Completion
July 1, 2024

Jessica Mathews /
Construction projects at the Northfield Township Public Safety Building are nearing completion.
The township advises the electronic message board has been installed and looks great. It will allow the township to improve communication with residents and visitors by placing the sign in a more visible location and having the ability to display multiple messages.
Repairs to the sidewalks and parking lots are also underway. That project is being completed in 4 phases and is expected to wrap-up by the end of July. Sections of sidewalk and other concrete areas that were deteriorating have been replaced. The asphalt replacement to the parking areas immediately to the front and rear of the building has also been completed.
Phase 3 will begin shortly, which includes repaving the far rear parking area, followed by Phase 4 - repaving the Fire Bay entry on the south side of the building. Striping of the parking lots will occur after phase 3 has been completed.
HVAC system repairs are also taking place. The township says after many years of battling with the HVAC system in the Public Safety Building trying to maintain an even temperature throughout the building, they are “finally in the home stretch”.
New control units have been installed, condensers and other areas have been thoroughly cleaned, and the remaining parts and pieces are on their way. The township says it struggled for a few days when the temperatures soared into the 90s with high humidity, but it seems they may now have the system control needed to provide a comfortable working environment for staff and first responders. The project is expected to be fully completed within the next few weeks.