District 50 Candidates Square Off in Hamburg Twp Forum
July 16, 2024

Nik Rajkovic / news@whmi.com
Three Republicans challenging state Rep. Bob Bezotte in next month's primary election faced off in a forum at the Hamburg Township Hall Monday night.
Kristina Lyke, Dominic Restuccia and Jason Wolford laid out their priorities, while fielding questions on a variety of topics such as governmental powers, public education and their pro-life stance.
"I want to make sure that girls and boys are not human trafficked," said Lyke. "We do not need that in Livingston County. We do not need it in the state of Michigan."
"Illegal immigrants are not here to help us. They're not here to be our friends. They're here to cause problems."
Restuccia, a local realtor, took a different direction.
"My top priority is making Michigan the best place to live, work and raise a family," he said. "We need safe communities. We need good schools. And we need a strong economy. I think we need to follow the pathway of states that are growing, that are attracting jobs and attracting businesses."
Wolford shared a personal story about a doctor recommending he and his wife abort their daughter.
"Not only was my daughter born, she was born healthy," he said. "She is the one that earned the title United States Marine six years ago. So, I am pro-life beyond pro-life."
Both Restuccia and Lyke said they believe state incentives are needed to increase adoptions in lieu of 2022's Prop 3.
"Instead of giving $15,000 for an Ethiopian child, why not give a tax incentive to have a Livingston County child instead of killing that child?" asked Lyke.
"I have talked to several people around, even pro-choice individuals, who said that would be a great thing to do, to have incentives for adoption. We wouldn't be killing so many babies."
Restuccia and Wolford also touched on Gov. Whitmer's COVID lockdowns, which still remain a decision of state health officials.
"You have the head of state who does not have a power, that one of their sub agencies does. What that suggests is we have a rogue agency with the ability to act independent than the rest of the government," said Restuccia.
"This is something Republicans need to make a priority to repeal."
Listen to the entire District 50 forum at the link below.