Hartland Native Sean Duffie Appears on Jeopardy!
July 23, 2024

Nik Rajkovic / news@whmi.com
Hartland native Sean Duffie fulfills a lifelong dream, appearing on "Jeopardy!" Monday night.
The 2007 Hartland High School grad competed on quiz bowl teams from 5th through 12th grade. The 35-year-old now teaches Spanish and civics near Grand Rapids.
"Whether or not you win on Jeopardy! today Sean, you are already a champion of charcuterie, right?" asked host Kenn Jennings.
Duffie went on to explain how he won a contest at his local farmer's market.
"Buy a little of everything. Throw it together and hope for the best," Duffie said. "But I did get to keep all of the leftovers."
"There's no losers in that competition," Jennings responded.
Duffie finished a distant second to the current Jeopardy! champ Neilesh Vinjamuri, failing to answer the final question about English novelist D.H. Lawrence.
Photo courtesy of Jeopardy Productions.