LWV Releases Non-Partisan Election Resource Guide
July 24, 2024

Jessica Mathews / news@whmi.com
Ahead of the August 6th Primary Elections, the League of Women Voters of Livingston County has published its online, non-partisan election resource guide.
It’s described as a “one-stop-shop” for election information and can be accessed at www.VOTE411.org. The League says it provides Livingston County voters with simple, accessible tools to help them navigate the voting process. It includes questionnaire responses from local candidates on issues of local importance.
“The LWV of Livingston County is pleased to provide this important, nonpartisan resource to Livingston County voters,” said Ellen Lafferty, co-president of the LWV of Livingston County. “We encourage voters to visit VOTE411.org to make a voting plan so they are prepared to cast their vote confidently on or before the Aug. 6 primary election!”
VOTE411 is an initiative of LWV of the United States that provides nonpartisan, personalized candidate information, voter registration details, polling place locations, and other helpful election information for all voters nationwide.
The League further thanked the more than 200 local candidates running in the August primary. Each candidate received a questionnaire from LWVLC to share their background and positions with the community. Responses are included on Vote411.
“A democracy cannot survive without citizens willing to run for office,” said Shirley Jackson, co-president of the LWVLC. “Those who stand as candidates invest time, energy and finances in strengthening our democracy. We appreciate the willingness of these candidates to serve our local community.”
The League said “The candidates have invested their time, energy and finances in campaigns. Know their positions – and vote. Your vote is your voice!”
A press release is attached, and links are provided.