Williamston's BestMaze Wrongly Credited for Lions Display
July 25, 2024

Nik Rajkovic / news@whmi.com
You may have seen the local corn maze that pays tribute to the Detroit Lions and head coach Dan Campbell, but the story has a bit of a twist.
The team credited BestMaze in Williamston, but owner Mark Benjamin says they got it wrong.
"The Lions somehow messed up and announced it as our place," he told WHMI News. "Now, we've been dealing with the aftermath. People calling and people trying to pull in at night to go to the maze and so on."
Benjamin's property was actually destroyed by last summer's tornadoes. However, BestMaze II has a knight and dragon theme at a cornfield in Lansing this year.
The Lions-themed corn maze is Choice Farm Market in Webberville.
Links to both farms are attached below.
Photo: @schingeck21