"Big Chairs" Unveiled At Two Huron-Clinton Metroparks
July 26, 2024

Jessica Mathews / news@whmi.com
Two big Adirondack chairs were unveiled at two Huron-Clinton Metroparks - offering perfect summer photo-ops for visitors.
Pre-school children from a local daycare facility shared a newly installed giant wooden chair with 2023 Miss Michigan Maya Schuhknecht during Michigan Education Trust’s “Sit with MET” event Wednesday at Kensington Metropark.
The installation of the oversized Adirondack chair at Kensington Metropark and another one at Lake St. Clair Metropark are part of a new sponsorship arrangement between MET and Huron-Clinton Metroparks.
The event aimed to promote Michigan’s Section 529 prepaid tuition educational savings plan.
MET Executive Director Diane Brewer kicked off the event, which coincided with National 529 Day, by telling children from Rosebrook Child Development Center in Wixom and parents that “MET wants to help your family and families all over Michigan save money so you and other kids can be whatever they want to be when they grow up.”
More information is available in the provided link.