Nik Rajkovic /

The City of Wixom is still receiving complaints from some residents and homeowner associations about trash not being picked up since Priority Waste took over routes from GFL Environmental.

"I've seen Commerce Township. I've seen Dearborn. I've seen multiple other municipalities that have publicly stated that they're just not going to pay Priority until they get their act together," Councilman Peter Behrmann said Tuesday.

Behrmann says Wixom needs to be more aggressive with helping its residents.

"We have in our contract with them (Priority) a liquidated damages provision where we can enforce up to $100 per house where the trash is not picked up," he said.

"There is zero reason why we're not enforcing that. And there's zero reason why we're not being more aggressive, that we're not going to take it either."

Priority Waste took over thousands of routes from GFL Environmental on July 1, and was quick to say GFL's fleet was not roadworthy due to lack of maintenance.

Priority at the time, put together a three-week plan to get caught up.