Nik Rajkovic /

South Lyon officials remind drivers they must yield for pedestrians and bike riders using the trail crossing at 11 Mile Road.

While there have been no incidents, the topic came up during this week's city council meeting.

"We can put, like we have done in the past, the speed monitors, the speed signs to try to get a guage on what the speeds are there. But once the pedestrian does take that walk, yes, you're supposed to stop," said Police Chief Doug Baaki.

"I can have officers up there kind of monitoring, just kind of be in the area."

City Manager Paul Zelenek said there's money already budgeted for flashing lights to warn drivers of the pedestrian cross walk.

"We're working with the township right now. I'm having conversations with the supervisor next week to try to move that forward, to split that project 50-50 as we discussed in some prior meetings."

Photo of similar crossing on Merrill Road in Hamburg Township.