Tom Tolen /

The Brighton Board of Education Monday night appointed a former board official to replace Trustee Bill Trombley, who resigned, effective immediately, on Monday.

Andy Burchfield, whom the board unanimously appointed for the interim position, is a former board president, having served in that capacity all four years of his term that ended in 2020. Burchfield was initially elected to a partial, 2-year term in 2014 and then ran for, and was elected to, a full, 4-year term in 2016.

Trombley resigned Monday in a dispute over whether he could run a concession stand at BHS home football games. The Thrun firm said in a formal opinion last March that a board member was not precluded from operating a concession business as long as the member discloses the activity. But Myers said Thrun recommended the board meet to create a revised policy. The board policy committee decided to recommend the language be tweaked to cover potential conflicts of interest and the full board voted to approve the policy change at a recent meeting.

Despite the board’s action, Trombley decided to open the concession stand under the auspices of the Band Boosters, as “Hot Diggity Donuts”. He told WHMI Monday that the doughnuts were very popular with those who attended the game and there was a line the entire time.

Myers said appointing Burchfield “is a perfect fit to finish out the year .” Myers added that it would not have been wise to appoint a November board candidate for the position. “It would be challenging to get a candidate up to speed (on the issues and procedures),” Myers said, "and it might appear there is favoritism.” Myers thanked the November election board candidates who were present at the meeting and offered their services.

The board was required legally to appoint an interim member within 30 days of the former member's departure.

Board Trustee John Conely said he was unhappy that Trombley was no longer on the board, blaming it on the board itself. "(Trombley) was unbelievable, he made a huge impact (on the district),” Conely said. "To send him down the road as we did, I don’t believe was right.”

Conely said he thought the process which led to Tombley’s resignation was “not fair…for a man who has put in so much time, (especially) in his physical condition,” referring to the fact that Trombley has kidney disease and undergoes kidney dialysis three times a week.

Burchfield, who is in the risk management consulting business, told WHMI after the meeting that he was happy to serve the board until Trombley’s term ends on Dec. 31st.

Burchfield is married and has three children — two of whom graduated from Brighton High School. His youngest child is a BHS junior this fall. He told WHMI he is "obviously happy to help support the district in this situation,” adding, "I have a lot of passion for the well-being of the students and staff.”

The motion to appoint Burchfield passed unanimously on a 5-0 vote. Board Trustee Andy Storm was not present due to a prior commitment. The board's next meeting will be on Oct. 14th at 7 p.m.