Amanda Forrester /

Michigan’s unemployment rate increased to 4.5% in August, which marks the third straight month the rate has gone up, officials said.

The national unemployment rate decreased in August, dropping to 4.2%.

According to a press release from the Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget, there was a reduction in the workforce across the state of 7,000 during August. Payroll jobs fell by 2,000 last month.

“Michigan’s jobless rate advanced for the third consecutive month, primarily due to a decrease in statewide employment in August,” said Wayne Rourke, labor market information director for the Michigan Center for Data and Analytics. “Payroll jobs also dipped slightly in August and have fallen 19,000 over the last three months.”

Michigan’s unemployment rate has increased by half a percentage point since August last year, with the national rate increasing .4 percentage points, the press release said.

The state’s biggest reduction in employment was seen in private education and health services. Trade, transportation and utilities and financial activities had growth for the second month in a row according to the press release.

The Detroit-Warren-Dearborn Metropolitan Statistical Area’s unemployment rate remained unchanged during August, staying at 4.5%.