Where To Allow Certain Drive-Thru Restaurants Discussed In Genoa Twp.
January 17, 2025
Jessica Mathews / news@whmi.com
Where to allow different types of drive-thru restaurants was the focus of some discussion by the Genoa Township Planning Commission this week.
The Commission and planners are discussing changes to permit certain types of drive-thru restaurants and coffee shops in different districts - potentially broadening the locations that could have a certain level of a restaurant with a drive-thru.
Currently, restaurants with a drive-thru are not allowed in the general commercial district.
There was some talk of a potential text amendment to create an additional category for a drive-thru restaurant. The three types mentioned include the more traditional fast-food restaurant, an intermediary for the fast/casual idea that’s come up more in recent years, and coffee shops.
Among the concepts floated included better definitions or redefining definitions in terms of anticipated traffic generation – with the highest regulated to regional commercial and a special use. It was also suggested to just make all drive-thru requests a special land use, which would allow for more control.
Vice Chair Eric Rauch said he was glad they were addressing the topic but preferred they simplify current ordinance instead of adding more categories and rules, which can create more loopholes. He noted the use issue isn’t what type of restaurant or coffee shop – the use issue is the generation of traffic.
It was stated the goal is to make sure the township ordinance is keeping up with the way uses and businesses are currently developing – noting that since COVID, there’s been an uptick in drive-thru restaurants in communities and it’s become a more common request over time.
More discussion on the topic is expected.