Motorsports Gateway Project On-Track In City Of Howell
January 27, 2025

Jessica Mathews /
A large motorsports project is on track and moving full speed ahead in the City of Howell.
Motorsports Gateway is a mixed-use and multi-phase automotive district that spans 273 acres within the City, located on the north side of I-96 between Michigan Ave/D-19 and Lucy Road. The project is being developed in three phases.
Eli Bayless is head of Brand Experience and Partnerships at Motorsports Gateway. He says “The rubber is really going to hit the road in 2025” and they can’t wait for the track to open.
Bayless told WHMI they’re pleased with how much was accomplished during 2024, noting construction started early last spring and involved a lot of earth moving. He said they went from a raw piece of real estate to what now is a beautiful 1.75-mile, 40-foot-wide, 15-turn racetrack on the north side of I-96 with the great wooded backdrop of Howell.
Bayless said they “couldn’t be more proud of how things have progressed” and are very excited about what’s to come over next few months - but most importantly over the next ten months as they work toward opening the track to members in the summer.
Garage condo construction will continue during the winter months as weather permits and will be ongoing into spring. After the thaw and paving season arrives, Bayless says they’ll be able to put down the final two layers of asphalt on the South Circuit track. The base course was done last fall, but two more layers are needed before members can start driving on the circuit in the summer. Bayless noted a lot of safety infrastructure will also be going up to ensure a safe experience for members when they get out on the track.
The South Circuit is the primary track for Motorsports Gateway Drivers Club members.
Upon completion, Bayless says they’ll shift some focus toward Phase 2 of the overall project. That’s inclusive of a North Circuit, which will be shorter in distance and located on the northeastern side of the South Circuit. Bayless said they will eventually be able to join the tracks as one larger circuit for special events or competitions etc. Bayless said the North Circuit is the primary focus of Phase 2, and would also be attached to the Automotive Innovation and Technology Park located on the eastern side of the property.
Bayless commented they feel great about where they’re at as far as sales efforts for both Drivers Club memberships and the garage condo community. He stressed the primary focus of the Drivers Club is to make motorsports accessible to just about anybody who has an interest in being a part of it – regardless of what type of vehicle they drive or their experience level. Bayless said they want to be welcoming and inclusive for everyone from beginners to experts – adding their pricing is in line with local golf and country clubs around the region with reasonable packages.
Project updates and videos of progress are available on the Motorsports Gateway website. That link is provided.