Jessica Mathews /

The Michigan Department of Transportation will resume work beginning Monday on southbound US-127.

The project includes rebuilding remaining bridges, sound wall construction, additional freeway lighting, drainage improvements, additional intelligent transportation system (ITS) facilities, traffic signal work, guardrail work, and pavement markings.

The work is part of the $205 (m) million investment to rebuild US-127/I-496 from I-96 to I-496 to address safety concerns, improve roadway geometrics and improve vehicular movement.

Work is scheduled to begin around 6am Monday and last through mid-November.

As for traffic restrictions, MDOT says the project will require several intermittent lane and ramp closures for pavement markings and temporary concrete barrier placement beginning Monday.

On March 18th, both directions of US-127 traffic will be shifted to the northbound side of the freeway, with northbound and southbound traffic separated by a concrete barrier.

The following ramps will be closed and detoured from March 18th until mid-June:

-Westbound I-96 to southbound US-127
-Southbound US-127 to westbound I-96
-Southbound US-127 to eastbound I-96
-Dunckel Road to southbound US-127

The following ramps will be closed from March 18 until mid-November:

-Northbound US-127 to westbound I-496
-Eastbound I-496 to Trowbridge Road
-Southbound US-127 to Trowbridge Road
-Trowbridge Road to southbound US-127
-Kalamazoo Street/Howard Street to southbound US-127

Funding for the project is made possible by Governor Gretchen Whitmer's Rebuilding Michigan program to rebuild the state highways and bridges that are critical to the state's economy and carry the most traffic. The investment strategy is aimed at fixes that result in longer useful lives and improve the condition of the state's infrastructure.

For project news and updates, visit the provided link or contact