Nik Rajkovic /

Livingston Educational Service Agency is among 12 recipients splitting $8.7 million from the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity to increase enrollment, retention and completion of adult education programming.

LESA will receive $108,743, according to a release from LEO.

"Since I took office, we have made it easier and cheaper for Michiganders of all ages to get the training or education they need to land good-paying, in-demand jobs," said Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

"With these investments in adult education statewide, we are growing our workforce and our economy, helping businesses find the talent they need to expand in Michigan. This year, we can work across the aisle to make the largest investment in career and technical education ever, boosting the number of apprenticeships, and continuing our successful, bipartisan programs that give people debt-free paths to associate’s degrees or skills training certificates. Let’s keep lowering costs for Michiganders and ensure anyone can ‘make it’ in Michigan."

According to LEO, Michiganders with a high school credential can earn more than $7,600 more per year than those without one. And those with a two-year degree can earn $24,500 more per year than those without.

"Investing in adult education opens doors to better jobs, strengthens our economy, and helps Michigan grow," said Susan Corbin, Director of LEO.

"We’re focused on creating and supporting innovative solutions that enable adult learners to pursue education pathways that lead to better job opportunities and greater pay and economic stability so they can provide for their families."

Each of the recipients will provide various innovations, including but not limited to hiring success coaches and/or retention specialists; developing contextualized curriculum; creating dual enrollment opportunities at multiple community colleges; outreach and marketing; utilizing new technology; and expanding supportive services for learners.

Michigan provides employment services to more participants than any other state in the Midwest and is #3 in the nation for helping adults get employed. These services and resources include providing Adult Education programming to more than 30,000 Michiganders annually.

A strong economy requires a pool of talented individuals. Michigan has a goal of increasing the number of working-age adults with a skill certificate or college degree to 60% by 2030. LEO’s Adult Education programs serve as a critical bridge to opportunity for thousands of Michiganders who are eager to improve their lives, enhance their skills, and contribute more fully to the economy and their communities.

"This investment in Adult Education is an investment in Michiganders, supporting brighter futures for workers while expanding the pool of talent businesses need to grow and thrive," said Stephanie Beckhorn, Director of LEO's Office of Employment and Training. "By fostering innovation, collaboration and partnership, we’re empowering individuals to secure better jobs, contribute to their communities, and drive the economic vitality of our state."

Another round of Adult Education Innovation Program grants will be available for eligible providers that did not receive funding during round one.

Information about the current Request for Proposals is available on the LEO-Workforce Development Funding Opportunities webpage linked below.

Proposals are due by 11:59 p.m. on April 8.