Nik Rajkovic /

Tyrone Township officials hear an update on last month's sewer break off Nimphie and Hogan Roads, near Old U.S. 23.

The February 1 break was quickly repaired, but not before thousands of gallons of raw sewage flowed into nearby ditches.

A township DPW official blamed an aging line and "tee" junction, combined with two pumps competing against each other.

"A lot of that is cast, correct?" asked Supervisor Greg Carnes.

"We have a good portion of ductile iron piping in the ground," responded DPW's Frank Urban.

"You're replacing it with?" Carnes continued.

"HDPE (high-density poly ethylene) pipe," Urban answered.

"Which will last?" asked Carnes.

"Well past our lifetime," said Urban.

Urban explained it was not a full break, but multiple smaller areas attributed to corrosion. Tyrone Township's DPW is now exploring different techniques to test the lines without causing any more damage.

The DPW's full report is included in the Township Board packet attached below.