Amanda Forrester /

Cleary University is inviting the public to their free talk about Ramadan and a meal this Thursday.

The organizer of the event, Wayne Taiman, is a junior at the university and the son of immigrants from Afghanistan. He grew up in Dearborn.

“Muslims and others have far more in common than most people realize,” Taiman said. “I am not the best Muslim, but I always try to improve.”

Last year, Taiman began the Muslim Student Organization at Cleary and has held two on-campus events to help “‘bridge the gap between Muslims and all others,” he said.

“When I first came to Cleary, I met many people who had never spoken to a Muslim before,” Taiman said. “When people are unfamiliar with any group of individuals it is easy to have negative views of them, especially when that is the narrative promoted by the media. That is why these community events taking place at Cleary are so important.”

Thursday’s event will be the third held at the university. It will “celebrate the holy month of Ramadan through a short talk by Scholar Shoriam Vaid followed by a catered Mediterranean meal,” the press release about the event said. “Taiman hopes that through his efforts, ‘some of the Muslim myths can be removed, and a greater connection can be built among all.’”

There are no reservations needed to attend. The talk will begin at 7:10 in Cleary Commons, and the meal will be held at 7:30 p.m.

Cleary Commons is the first building to the right as you enter the Cleary University campus. It is off Grand River Avenue and west of Latson Road.

(photo credit: Cleary University)