Livingston EMS Teams With Local Students on Accessible Ramp for Fowlerville Woman
March 14, 2025

Nik Rajkovic / news@whmi.coim
Some local students who participate in LESA's Career and Technical Education programs installed a new accessible ramp for a Fowlerville woman Friday.
The recipient, 77-year-old Ethel Hath, is enrolled in the EMS' Community Paramedic Program, which assists those needing to make doctor appointments or pick up prescriptions.
"I reached out to Steve Gronow with Chestnut Development, and he responded almost immediately without hesitation, I will get them whatever they need to do this project," said Ashley LaPres at Livingston County EMS.
"Those kids got the ramp built pretty quickly and we installed it completely free-of-charge to the patient. She will now be able to get in-and-out of her home safely, on her own, without requiring any assistance."
Hath walked down the ramp Friday morning, saying it had been eight months since she left her home unassisted.
LaPres says currently there are upwards of 50 residents enrolled in the Community Paramedic program, which is paid through a voter-approved millage.
She praised the students and Chestnut for giving Hath the freedom to come and go from her home.
"These high school programs are just incredible, and get the kids involved in the community. They give them skills for life, where they can jump into a career right out of high school," LaPres added.
"Just the generosity from Chestnut, without hesitation, donating all the materials needed for this project."
More information on the Community Paramedic program and LESA's CTE programs is linked below.
Photos courtesy of Ashley LaPres.