Nik Rajkovic /

A Livingston County judge is considering a case brought by censured Tyrone Township Trustee Chris Ropeta, who sued the township, seeking to block his possible removal from the Planning Commission.

A majority of the township board earlier this year determined Ropeta, Supervisor Greg Carnes and Trustee Dean Haase generated a letter suggesting it was an official Tyrone Township document approved by trustees, charging certain Planning Commission members with "non-feasance" and scheduling a hearing date before the Board to answer the charges.

"Mr. Ropeta assisted in drafting a letter that was completely untruthful, trying to remove members of the planning commission for attendance reasons, when there is no attendance requirement in any of the township's ordinance or bylaws, quite frankly," said John Gillooly, the attorney defending the township in the case.

"He had a firm hand in doing everything, and we have the text messages to prove it."

The board last month charged Ropeta with malfeasance and misfeasance in his ex officio capacity on the Planning Commission.

According to court documents, Ropeta is seeking superintending control from the 44th Circuit Court to prevent the Tyrone Township Board from holding a hearing this month to remove him from the Planning Commission.

Gillooly calls Ropeta's lawsuit in response a waste of time, resources and taxpayer money.

"They're paying their own township attorney. They're paying a second attorney and our law firm, given the conflict the township attorney has," he added.

"Unfortunately, Trustee Ropeta has set this into motion. There's no need. They knew exactly what they were doing. I don't know what's in the water these days."

Gillooly is expecting a ruling in the coming weeks.

Read the township's response attached below.