BHS Choir Departs for Spain Concert Performances
March 19, 2025

Tom Tolen /
The Brighton High School Choir was set to leave this afternoon on a long-anticipated and carefully planned trip to Spain. The choir members have been busy the last three years holding various fundraisers for the trip, including car washes, selling mugs, T-shirts, cookie dough, returning deposit bottles, and putting on concerts.
“The Brighton Choir is eager to represent the school and community, while embracing the opportunity to share its music on an international stage,” Choir Director Phil Johnson tells WHMI, adding he “couldn't be more proud of the students' efforts to get to Spain."
The plane carrying the talented group of young singers was set to depart from Detroit Metro Airport for Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and from there on Thursday to Madrid, the capitol of Spain. Upon their arrival, the eager ensemble will embark on a trip that involves performing at impressive gothic cathedrals and basilicas and sight-seeing in between performances.
The Brighton High School has gained a reputation for excellence over the years. Nine years ago, the choir performed at St.Peter’s Basilica in Rome and even sang before Pope Francis. However, Johnson says the repertoire the choir learned for that trip was very serious liturgical music, mostly in Latin. This time, he says, they will perform the songs that their hosts have requested - American music of all genres. Johnson tells WHMI the choir will be performing a wide variety, from spirituals and gospel numbers to pop, musical theater and folk songs, along with traditional choral literature.
The choir will collaborate with two other musical groups while in Spain and later will have the honor of singing with the renowned Monserrat Boys Choir at the Monserrat Monastery - a historic site nestled in the mountains outside Barcelona.
The group also will be performing in one of the world’s most famous churches - Sagrada Familia - the largest unfinished Catholic Church in the world, on which construction began in 1882 and which is set to be completed next year. Between performances, the students will have the opportunity of exploring the art, architecture and history of Spain, including royal palaces.
After the whirlwind tour, the choir and chaperones are set to return to Michigan on March 26th.
Link to BHS Choir's “Adios” concert YouTube video: