Bezotte Named To Forensic Science Task Force
April 3, 2021

By Mike Kruzman /
Republican State Representative Bob Bezotte of Marion Township has been selected to serve on the new Task Force on Forensic Science by House Speaker Jason Wentworth.
The task force was established Friday by an executive order signed by Governor Gretchen Whitmer. It will act as an advisory body nested within the Michigan Department of State Police and will be comprised of medical practitioners, legal professionals, government officials, academics, private sector experts, and representatives from the Michigan State Police, Michigan Supreme Court, and Attorney General’s office.
Members will review the state of forensic science in Michigan and deliver completed findings and policy recommendations to the governor by the end of 2021. Recommendations are expected to include methodology improvements, processes to address misconduct, and procedures to update stakeholders on developments in forensic science.
Bezotte said, in a release, that he is grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of the task force and that he looks forward to working with the others to ensure the standards and practices of forensic evidence remain high in the state of Michigan.
Lieutenant Governor Garlin Gilchrist said in a separate release the task force will ensure that Michigan’s legal and criminal justice systems can keep up with the times and that he and the governor are looking forward to their recommendations.