Summer Concert Series Returns Sunday To Downtown Brighton
July 4, 2018

Despite some construction, free concerts are still taking place in downtown Brighton as part of a popular summer series.
The Brighton Kiwanis Millpond Concert Series is now in its 42nd year. The series will be taking place in a new location due to current construction of the Millpond Bandshell and Amphitheater project that includes replacing the existing pavilion with a new bandshell, stage and seating. The concerts will take place on Sundays in July and August in the parking lot of Brighton City Hall near the Imagination Station playground. Concerts start at 6:30pm and run until 9pm. All of the shows are free and open to the public. The summer line-up will kick off this Sunday with The Dale Hicks Band. A pre-show will feature Frank McCoil.
The complete summer line-up is available through the link. Facebook photo. (JM)