Brighton Township Applying For State Revenue Sharing Program
January 22, 2019

Brighton Township is looking to participate in a supplemental revenue sharing program through the state.
The board met Monday night and voted 5-0 to participate in the state’s City, Village and Township Revenue Sharing or C-V-T-R-S program. Clerk Joe Riker and Trustee Lucille Weaire were absent. Following board approval, the township will be able to submit the application by the February 1st deadline. The township currently receives constitutional revenue sharing but this would be supplemental.
Township Manager Brian Vick tells WHMI the revenue sharing program is set up based upon funds the state has earmarked to local governments. He says over the last few years, the township has looked at the program but overall maintained a philosophy of not wanting the state to be dictating how they operate at township hall. After observing it in adjacent communities and those having a few years under their belt now, he says the township explored the topic and has agreed to participate. Green Oak Township is among those participating.
Vick says the state, on an annual basis, will earmark a little more revenue for a local municipality so long as it complies with whatever is included in the statute. For the most part, the funds can be used for anything but there is a provision requiring some of the supplemental money to be used to pay down legacy costs. Vick says that could be retiree healthcare, which the township doesn’t provide, or a defined benefit funding gap. That means if the township is not 100% funded, then the supplemental dollars must be used to close that gap first. Brighton Township is currently over 95% funded. Vick noted that all of the information required to receive the program funding is currently available through audits etc. However, it will now be posted in a more prominent location on the township website so it will be compliant with the program requirements.
More information about the program is provided through the web link. (JM)