Nik Rajkovic /

Legislation on its way to the Michigan Senate demands more transparency from the state's public charter schools.

The bills passed along party lines, 56-54, with the Democratic majority pushing them through.

"It's requiring only charter schools to post more information about their authorizers," says Beth DeShone, executive director of the Great Lakes Education Project, which opposes the bills.

"It's requiring new transparency reports about teacher salaries that is not required by traditional public schools. They are required to only offer it if FOIA'd. This would force public charter schools to have to do it no matter what."

The bill by Rep. Matt Koleszar (D-Plymouth), requires schools to comply by November 1 each year with the requirements.

"You can't find salary information on a public school website either," DeShone argues. "It's creating a winners and losers situation."

DeShone is hopeful the Michigan Senate continues to explore school choice and access for parents.

"We should be looking at things like education saving accounts," she says. "Parents and families know best what their kids need and until every tool is in that toolbox, we should not be putting any restrictions on the educational options that families have in this state."

Read the House bill below.