Amanda Forrester /

The Hartland High School DECA team has a lot to celebrate.

DECA, is a club available to high school and college students that prepares them for business-aligned careers, such as marketing and finance. They participate in different competitions and trainings that develop skills that are sought after in such careers.

The Hartland students qualified to head to the state competition, held March 13-15, by participating and ranking in the district competition on Jan. 8.

20 students will be compete in role plays at the competition in the following areas:

Business Services Marketing: Haylee Boze, Gianna Colley, Logan Morrish

Retail Merchandising: Gaige Dieugenio

Entrepreneurship: Mackenzie Haverstick, Kaydence Sweitzer, Cael Wilson

Professional Selling: Emily Jacobs

Personal Financial Literacy: Sophia Juviler, Nathaniel MacDermaid, Aidan Oake

Human Resources Management: Kyle McDaniel

Hospitality and Tourism: Zaylee Parrish

Apparel & Accessories Marketing: Jocelyn Petersen

Finance: Kendra Ross

Business Management & Administration: Dean Tormey

Quick Service Restaurant Management: James Tobin, Kyle Whitney

Automotive Services Marketing: Jacob Whitney

Hotel & Lodging Management: Ella Whitson

12 other students earned second place awards and will compete if alternate spots open. 30 students will compete in written event categories.

“We are incredibly proud of our students’ hard work and dedication,” the Hartland DECA advisor said. “This success is a reflection of their passion and commitment to excellence in business education. We look forward to seeing them compete at the state level in Detroit.”

Howell High School also recently announced 17 students qualified for role plays in the state competition.