The Hartland Consolidated Schools Board of Education votes to extend a consent agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice following a former student's complaint that the district "failed to address pervasive race-based harassment of the student and other black students in the district."

Trustee Glenn Gogoleski was one of three 'no' votes, arguing he doesn't agree with all the details.

"If you check out the Great Lakes Equity Center, you will find just a world of CRT-type (critical race theory) documents and resource materials. I am no fan of that, and I will not let that invade our district whatsoever," he said.

Details of the agreement are available in the board's packet attached below.

"Essentially, we're getting bullied and harassed into an agreement, in an attempt to solve harassment and bullying. I find it a little bit strange that is happening," said Board Treasurer Greg Keller.

Other members praised Superintendent Chuck Hughes and district leadership for working to find the best resolution possible.

"I don't think anybody wants to be in this situation. We don't want to be here. Hartland is a phenomenal district. But the fact of the matter is they're here. We've done the best we can, meaning your team, to get this plan," said Trustee Chris Costa.