Jessica Mathews /

A free pantry for those in need in downtown Howell is back up and running after sustaining some weather damage.

The pantry is located in the City’s Depot Lot, near Howell Summit Gardens. Kristie Guadiano is behind the project, which embodies the motto “Give what you can, take what you need”. The cabinet contains non-perishable food, personal care, and paper items that are accessible to everyone all the time – with no questions asked.

In March, the cabinet had to be taken down after a door blew off. It's since been revamped with a new, more weather-proof pantry. Organizers said it was not a fast or easy process, but “the Howell Pantry is strong and sturdy and ready to help our community”.

In a recent post on social media, organizers said the pantry was cleaned up and organized Sunday morning but was looking pretty empty. They asked that those who are able to contribute to please stop by and drop off items. They reminded that people leave only non-perishable food items, baby items, and health and beauty/personal care – as used toys and clothes found in there were removed.

Those utilizing the pantry were further reminded to make sure to latch the top and bottom – with organizers saying “We know how the Howell wind is… we don’t want to lose a door again”.