Negotiations Continue For Redevelopment Ready Project In Howell
December 10, 2020

By Jessica Mathews /
Negotiations continue between interested parties for a privately owned site that could be developed in the City of Howell.
The City is a Redevelopment Ready Certified community and has been engaging with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation on marketing and development potential for what has been dubbed the City’s main priority site. Referred to as the Holkins Lot, it’s a downtown block bounded by Walnut, Wetmore, Center and Clinton. Half of the property is currently owned by the Howell Carnegie District Library and half by local businessman Joe Parker. One of things being looked at is getting both owners to work together and perhaps sell both properties so that a development could come in for the entire block, instead of doing half at a time. However, any project involving redevelopment of the property for a use other than parking will need to address the library’s parking needs in some way.
The MEDC has been proceeding with proceeding with the marketing process given the desire by the parties involved to potentially sell under the right circumstances. A mixed use development is envisioned for the property and it has been stated that a tax abatement would be anticipated.
At a recent virtual meeting of the Howell Downtown Development Authority Board, it was relayed that there really wasn’t any big update at this point in time. Director Kate Litwin reported that her understanding was that there have been negotiations taking place between a potential developer, the library and the Parker family to start really nailing down a price tag and potentially a purchase agreement or at least a letter of interest.
Litwin said with regard to this Redevelopment Ready project, it’s sort of weird because the property is owned by separate entities and not the municipality. She said usually there would be more involvement from herself, the City’s Community Development Director and City Manager etc but at this point, they really don’t have much involvement in the negotiation process. Litwin said the hope is to help facilitate a project, make the proper contacts and keep the process going. Once the details have been finalized and a development is getting ready to start, she said they would assist the developer and make sure everyone is helping them as much as possible. Litwin said the goal is to ensure successful completion of a project and keep everything rolling without any glitches.
Litwin told the board that updates will be provided as the process moves along. Attached photos are concepts that were put forward by the MEDC.