Amanda Forrester /

Orange barrels are springing up on I-96 between Chilson and Dorr Roads in preparation for a multi-year project.

While the work won’t officially begin until 2025, drivers will notice lane closures happening now. According to Mark Sweeney, Manager of the MDOT Brighton Transportation Service Center, pre-stage work is underway.

During 2025 and 2026, one set of lanes, either eastbound or westbound, will be closed to allow for rubblizing work to be done. Eastbound and westbound traffic will be on the same side of the expressway.

Rubblizing is a way to repave the road without needing to rip everything out first, Sweeney said.

The work won't add any lanes to the road, only repair what is currently there.

Crossovers will be put in during the rest of this year to allow for the movement of traffic. The left lane in both directions will be closed during the day, with double lane closures expected during the evenings. There could also be double lane closures during the weekend, depending on the work being done.

This is part of a larger project, which includes bridge rehabilitation work. Sweeney said there will be work done on I-96 bridges under Chilson, Dorr, I-96 over the railroad bridges on either side of Chilson and underneath the Grand River entrance. This work will help to prolong the life of the roads.

Sweeney said they hope to have the Dorr Road bridge, which is currently being worked on, completed as soon as possible.

The only closures that are currently expected are the Chemung Interchange and Latson Road exits. “When we put the westbound lanes over to the eastbound roadway, the ramps on the other side of the roadway will be closed and detoured,” Sweeney said. He said MDOT plans on having I-96 open throughout the project.

Pre-stage work is necessary to allow the main work to be completed quicker, Sweeney said. The construction season in Michigan runs from April to November, and contractors need to make the most of the time they have available.

Road construction updates can be found on our website or

(photo credit: MDOT)