Kensington Woods Finalizes Return-To-School Plan
August 13, 2020

By Jessica Mathews /
The Kensington Woods Schools Board of Education unanimously approved its Return to School plan Tuesday night.
The plan features two options for 6-12th grade students: a flexible in-person or a fully remote learning environment. The in-person option has students in the building 4 days a week, with Friday as a remote learning day. Students will attend a block schedule in the morning, seeing three of their six classes each morning for longer class periods. In the afternoons, students will participate in flexible Learning Lab schedule which will offer students individual and small group work time with teachers, teacher Office Hours, time for enrichment activities and more.
Students choosing the in-person environment can also choose to participate in the afternoon Learning Lab remotely, going home before lunch. Students choosing the remote learning environment will attend all their classes live through video conferencing, receiving the same educational content and learning expectations as their in-person peers, just at a distance. Teachers will also have regular remote office hours with remote students. The school is also instituting safety guidelines to keep students and staff safe, including mandated masks for all during Phase 4 and reconsidering classroom locations to allow for social distancing. The school year starts on September 1st. More about the plan is provided through the link and attachment.