Theis Bill To Ban Red-Light Cameras Clears Senate
March 31, 2022

By Jessica Mathews /
A local legislator’s bill that would prohibit the use of automated traffic enforcement devices has passed the Senate.
A bill sponsored by 22nd District State Senator Lana Theis to prohibit municipalities from installing red-light cameras to issue traffic citations in the state cleared the Senate this month.
Theis, a Brighton Township Republican, said in a release that it’s important Michigan bans the use of red-light cameras on streets to not only help protect the lives of drivers and passengers, but also to protect their constitutional rights. She further thanked her Senate colleagues for “standing up against these unnecessary money-grabs” and urged the support of House colleagues.
Senate Bill 875 would prohibit photographic traffic signal enforcement systems from being used to enforce traffic law and establish that any citation issued on the basis of a recorded image produced by a photographic traffic signal enforcement system would be void.
21 states and Washington, D.C. currently allow red-light cameras. The bill advanced to the House of Representatives for consideration.