Lyon Township Hall To Undergo Renovation/Expansion Project
July 6, 2020

By Jessica Mathews /
A renovation project at the Lyon Township Hall is in the works.
At a recent virtual meeting, the Planning Commission recently granted unanimous site plan approval for the partial renovation and expansion project at the existing municipal center located off Grand River, west of Milford Road. The current building is 8,140-square-feet and the proposed expansion is 5,905-square-feet, which would result in a total building size of 14,045-square-feet. The addition would feature a new conference room, new kitchen, elevator, more basement space and multiple offices. Plans also call for an expanded parking lot, associated stormwater management facilities and landscaping. The additional space is said to be needed to keep up with growth in the community. The township is looking to hire a full-time in house planner, an elections coordinator, possible bookkeeper and more DPW workers. This would be the second renovation to the township hall, which is 20-years-old. The South Lyon Herald reports officials didn’t want to speculate on the potential project cost prior to receiving bids. That’s expected in a few months as township board approval is needed first.
The Planning Commission review and approval was required for parking lot construction as it involved the addition of 25 or more spaces and for expansions of existing uses of over 1,000 square feet.