MDOT Drops 60 MPH “Recommended” Speed Limit on US-23 Flex Route
November 22, 2024

TomTolen /
Drivers who commute daily on US-23 between Ann Arbor and points north may notice today that the “recommended” speed limit of 60 mph on the Flex Route portion has been discontinued. The area in question is located between M-36 in Green Oak Township and M-14 north of Ann Arbor, in both Livingston and Washtenaw counties.
MDOT worked with Michigan State University to track motorists via focus groups and social media to determine what they liked, and didn’t like, about the Flex Route. What came out of the data was that the “default recommended" speed limit of 60 mph displayed on overhead signs was confusing drivers. And some thought the posted speed was too low, compared to normal freeway speed limits.
MDOT Transportation Operations Center Engineer Stephanie Palmer says, "Previously, when the (flex lane) was open to traffic, the recommended speed of 60 mph was displayed overhead on both the general-purpose lanes, and a green arrow was displayed over the (flex lane). Now, when the shoulder is open to traffic, only a green arrow will be displayed over the (flex lane) and the other overhead signs will be blank." Palmer adds that no speeds will be displayed unless absolutely necessary.
Overall, the Flex Route has served its purpose. Traffic crashes on the Flex route have dropped since its installation, with MDOT saying southbound crashes decreased by 51% during peak traffic periods and 34% overall. However crashes on northbound US-23 have actually increased slightly. Officials blame that on the narrowing of the route at Whitmore Lake from three lanes to two where the Flex Route currently ends.
US-23 is the first highway in Michigan to have a flex lane, the Flex Route having been dded in 2017. Due to its popularity, a second Flex Route is now under construction on I-96 east of Brighton from the Kent Like Road exit to the I-275/I-696/M-5 interchange in Oakland County. In addition, the US-23 Flex Route is being extended from the M-36/Nine Mile Road exit to I-96 in Brighton. That extension is scheduled to be completed in January of 2026.
Here are the new display changes for the U.S. 23 Flex Route:
Green arrow -
When the flex lane is open, a green arrow will be lit to indicate that the lane is open.Drivers should proceed with caution and check for pedestrians and other vehicles in the intersection.
Recommended speeds -
Recommended speeds will only be displayed when necessary based on traffic data.These speeds could be 50, 40, or 30 mph, or "slow".
Red "X" -
When a red "X" is displayed over the shoulder, flex lane use is prohibited.