MDOT Seeks Public Feedback on Five-Year Transportation Plan
August 21, 2023

April O'Neil /
Earlier this month, the Michigan Department of Transportation released a five-year investment plan toward projects taking place throughout the state starting next year.
The Five-Year Transportation Program (5YTP) contains a list of projects under MDOT’s authority that are planned for construction from 2024-2028, representing a $15.6 billion total of multimodal transportation investments.
The five-year plan is available for public review and feedback now through September 8th.
MDOT Transportation Planning Manager Brad Sharlow says MDOT asks for the public’s opinion early in the planning process, and comments can be submitted via mail or online.
Sharlow said, “All of this information is being used to inform and develop the direction of the plan. It’s people-focused, future-focused, with goals and objectives for the long-range plan.”
Various local road projects are listed in Washtenaw, Livingston, Oakland, and Ingham Counties.
In Livingston County, a large number of roadwork is planned on I-96 and US-23, including reconstruction, resurfacing, bridge replacement. Same for Washtenaw County, primarily on US-23 and I-94.
A link to the full report and more information on how you can submit your input can be found below.