Jessica Mathews /

A program tonight at the Brighton District Library is centered on birds and migration.

Some birds people see in their backyards can be seen year-round while others stay for a season or only make a brief appearance while en route to somewhere else. Organizers say if anyone has ever wondered why some birds migrate while others stay put, "then this is the program for you".

The program will explore what triggers the change in bird behavior prompting migration, which potential feathered “out-of-towners” might be spotted at area bird feeders during migration, and what is the best way to set-up a bird feeding station for changing seasonal success.

The host, Laurel Zoet, hails from Wild Birds Unlimited, who has worked as a naturalist and educator with over 20 years of experience.

The program runs from 7 to 8pm. Registration information is provided in the link.