Project At North Territorial & Webster Church Roads Starts Monday
April 12, 2024

Jessica Mathews /
A safety improvement project starts up Monday on North Territorial Road in Webster Township.
Work is planned on North Territorial Road, to the east and west of Webster Church Road.
The project aims to improve the safety and operation of the intersection, as well as along the North Territorial corridor.
Trees have already been removed for the intersection work and the road will be widened to install center left turn lanes and a traffic signal. Some roadside safety improvements are planned, along with center line rumble strips and new pavement markings.
North Territorial Road will not be closed but delays are likely due to lane closures. One lane will be maintained with temporary traffic signals.
Additionally, Webster Church Road will be closed to all traffic to the north and south of the intersection with a detour posted. The Road Commission asks that people do not try and drive around the barricades. Emergency services and Dexter Schools are aware of closure and will re-route if necessary.
Access to CJ’s Party Store will be provided via North Territorial Road and a driveway assistance device will be installed. That device will communicate with a temporary signal and flashing arrows will direct drivers to make safe turns.
The project is expected to be complete by the end of June, although the intersection will be open prior to the final completion.
There’s a lot of work taking place along the North Territorial corridor and some other projects people should also be aware of.
There’s an ongoing project at North Territorial and Dexter Townhall Roads and that intersection is currently closed for safety improvements.
Once the work at North Territorial and Webster Church is complete, a resurfacing project will take place on North Territorial Road from Webster Church Road to the east toward Whitmore Lake Road and US-23.
At a virtual project meeting, Washtenaw County Road Commission Assistant Director of Engineering Aaron Berkholz said they’re going to try and segue the two projects as smoothly as possible and the resurfacing should be a relatively quick turnaround but they still want people to be aware of it. He added North Territorial is a very important corridor in the northern part of the county so they need to try and keep it in good condition, which is what they’re doing with projects such as this.
The public can sign up to subscribe for various project updates on the Road Commission website.