Nik Rajkovic /

Nearly 1,000 unionized Oakland County government employees are demanding better working conditions. They packed a meeting Thursday to pressure commissioners.

The union representing them says they've been negotiating since May, without reaching a compromise.

"We represent people in public health," said Joe Rozell of UAW Local 889. "We represent folks in the elections department, folks in the finance department, folks in animal control, folks in assessing. We represent folks all across this county government, 860 members."

Rozell added the cost of living increases need to be accounted for.

"Our employees have fallen 7 and a half percent behind inflation. Groceries have gone up. Eating out at a restaurant has gone up. All of our costs have gone up."

Oakland County Executive Dave Coulter released a statement saying:

"We believe we have made a fair and generous offer and are disappointed that we haven't yet reached an agreement. We will continue to negotiate with the UAW to secure a contract that values our employees and the work they do for our residents within the constraints of our budget."

Photo courtesy of Facebook.