Mock Car Crash This Month At Pinckney High School
April 15, 2022

By Jessica Mathews /
A mock car crash event is being held at Pinckney Community High School this month to develop safer teen drivers as prom season continues and graduation season starts.
Students Leading Students (SLS), an active youth-led prevention education group, is working alongside other groups at the high school to help educate students about the dangers of drinking/drugged driving and/or distracted driving.
Trained first responders are conducting a mock car crash event on Tuesday, April 26th to send an impactful message to students and parents of the dangers and consequences of unsafe driving behaviors. Those include drinking and driving, driving while impaired, driving while distracted, driving at unsafe speeds, and not buckling up.
The mock car crash event uses real crashed vehicles, set up on school grounds, with student participants to act out roles as crash victims. The school’s student body will watch the demonstration and learn how emergency responders conduct rescue efforts in real time.
An impact speaker from will also speak to the students as part of the event. Dave Easterbrook will be returning to address the students and share his story and how his life has been impacted.
SLS is using this event to remind students and parents/guardians about the importance of ongoing conversations to reinforce teen driving laws, to set their own family safety rules, and to talk about expectations as safe drivers and students to protect them from being injured or killed in a crash.
More information is attached. Photo: 2014 event.